Saturday, May 15, 2010

We're getting so close...

Baby Major is 30 weeks, 3 days today.
Wow it's been a very long time since I've updated this. I apologize for that should anybody be disappointed in my lack of information. Things have been pretty hectic for the Major family lately. Mostly vacations, unexpected trips out of town and wedding that I was a bridesmaid in. Not to mention work and family time. Needless to say, those are the excuses I'm using for not posting in the recent weeks. Now it's time to put the pregnancy memory to test to see how much I can remember since my last post.

Shortly after my last post, around 26 weeks, I did get to pay a nice little visit to labor and delivery in the middle of the night. The contractions that I had usually been having started to get more frequent and more intense until we both felt it was necessary to call in to the doctor. She told us to head on over and we did. By the time we arrived and got hooked up to the monitors my contractions were close to 3 minutes apart. So they gave me some medication and a few more hours of monitoring before sending me home. Luckily I haven't experienced anything like that since that night.

A few days later we got to have another ultrasound done to check on Reid's progress. You can see those at the end. The doctor said he looks perfect and as long as I can make it to 35 weeks (June 16th) we shouldn't have anything to worry about. She's cautious but hopeful that I'll make it to 35 weeks since my early onset of labor. Reid must be just as anxious to meet us as we are to meet him.

We are slowly but surely filling up Reid's dresser and closet with clothes for him. Each time we see a set of parents we leave with a handful of baby clothes and other "essentials". We can't wait to see him in some of his little outfits.

I am now down to visiting the doctor every two weeks instead of monthly. It sure is helping to make the remaining time go faster. Each time the doctor sees me she tells me she's so excited that I haven't been in to see her for any unscheduled visits. She's also pleased with how well everything is going. I passed my glucose screen and received my Rh- shot. Now we're just counting down the weeks.

We were also able to do a 3D ultrasound last week. Brad and I were on the fence about doing a 3D ultrasound but we are so glad we did it. If you ever have the chance to do one I would highly recommend it. Not only was it nice to have that extra reassurance to be able to "see" that he truly is a healthy baby boy but it was so awesome to see him move around and become a real person versus an outline on a regular ultrasound. Plus we got a DVD with the complete ultrasound recorded and a ton of photos which you can see on my facebook profile page. And for those that are wondering...we both think he takes after Brad more so than me.

Anyway I hope to be able to do at least a couple more updates before the big day arrives. Don't forget to check out the photos down below and on facebook!

Click on the photo to make it bigger.

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